prayer times مواقيت الصلاة Namaz Vakitleri Waktu sholat
Prayer times

Prayer Times in Cassano delle Murge Azan Namaz time Italy

Italy | Cassano delle Murge Prayer times

Hijri Date Arabic : الثلاثاء 04 جمادى الأولى 1446 AH

Today's Date: 2024/11/05 AD

Azan times in Cassano delle Murge today

Namaz time in Cassano delle Murge Italy

prayer time Cassano delle Murge Italy

Prayer times for Cassano delle Murge were calculated using Muslim World League . If you want the Umm Al-Qura calendar (Makkah) or Isna Calendar, browse the options

islamic prayer times Cassano delle Murge

Cassano delle Murge City is located In a Italy Country (إيطاليا) According to the following coordinates :

Cassano delle Murge Latitude :40.89283

Cassano delle Murge longitude : 16.76778

Name Cassano delle Murge in Arabic : كاسانو ديل مورج

Time Zone : (GMT +1.00)

Date in Cassano delle Murge: 05-11-2424 AD

Italy Prayer Times