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Prayer times

Prayer times in Clermont Ferrand , France

France | Clermont Ferrand Prayer times

The time now is : 08:18 Clermont Ferrand local time

Hijri Date Arabic : السبت 12 شوّال 1445 AH

Today's Date: 2024/04/20 AD


Salah time in Clermont Ferrand France

Azan times in Clermont Ferrand today

# Prayer salah time N
Fajr ☪
Sunrise ☀
Dhuhr ☪
Asr ☪
Maghrib ☪
Isha ☪
Monthly calendar

prayer time Clermont Ferrand France

Prayer times for Clermont Ferrand were calculated using Muslim World League . If you want the Umm Al-Qura calendar (Makkah) or Isna Calendar, browse the options

islamic prayer times Clermont Ferrand

Clermont Ferrand City is located In a France Country (فرنسا) According to the following coordinates :

Clermont Ferrand Latitude :45.7833333

Clermont Ferrand longitude : 3.0833333

Name Clermont Ferrand in Arabic : كليرمونت-فيراند

Time Zone : Europe/Paris (GMT 1.0)

Date in Clermont Ferrand: 20-04-2424 AD

France flag